Saturday, August 8, 2009

Stroke Rehabilitation - Guidelines for Exercise and Training to Optimize Motor Skill

Stroke Rehabilitation - Guidelines for Exercise and Training to Optimize Motor Skill

By Janet H. Carr MEd EdD DipPhty Col. FACP, Roberta B. Shepherd ME EdD DipPhty Col. FACP
  • Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann

  • Number Of Pages: 300

  • Publication Date: 2002-07-15

  • ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0750647124

  • ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780750647120

Product Description:
Univ. of Sydney, Australia. Text, in an unnamed series, provides exercises and training regimes for optimal functional recovery for those who have sustained a stroke. Includes methods to increase strength, endurance, and fitness. Guidelines for training balance, reaching and manipulation, walking, sitting-to-standing, and strength training are also included. Softcover.

Summary: Illumination by luminaries
Rating: 5
Carr and Shepherd are legitimate luminaries in the field of stroke rehabilitation and research. They were the first to dovetail modern motor learning with stroke recovery and rehabilitation. For those of us interested in stroke recovery and rehabilitation research, this book (dare I say it) is actually a page turner. Most books I read about stroke recovery and rehabilitation leave me scratching my head because I don't understand what the authors say, and when I do understand, it does not resonate. I've been involved in stroke specific rehabilitation research for a decade and I've co-authored many articles in peer-reviewed journals. So when I read something and it doesn't make sense to me I figure I don't understand it because it just plain doesn't make sense. This book however not only provides great, incisive, clear and usable ideas for treatment of stroke survivors, it references it's suggestions as well. Much of the book is dedicated to individual exercises. And although this may be of paramount interest to therapists I was much more interested in the global insights available in this book. I found myself highlighting the heck out of much of this book. That's always a good sign.
Summary: got exactly what i ordered
Rating: 5

It took awhile for the book to arrive, but I wasn't in a hurry to have it, so that was okay. Otherwise, the book was in perfect condition, and I have no complaints.

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